Harold Offeh

Harold Offeh was born in Ghana in 1977. He studied Fine Art at Brighton University and Fine Art Photography at the Royal College of Art. His videos and performances question notions of representation and identity, drawing on familiar cultural references in film, song and art. He has shown widely both in Britain and abroad; including East International, Norwich; Ghosting, Aspex Gallery, Portsmouth; At Your Service, David Roberts Art Foundation, London; Espaco Bananeiras, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Metropolis Rise, CQL Design Center, Shanghai, China.
His recent curatorial projects include The Mothership Collective for the South London Gallery and a forthcoming major curatorial commission with Picture This in Bristol 2009/10. Offeh is an Associate Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Art at Leeds Metropolitan University. He lives and works in London and is currently an Artsadmin associate artist and a trustee on the board at Aspex Gallery, Portsmouth.
Industry is a drag: 
Offeh, known for his spontaneous and dynamic performances, here playfully uses objects associated with Middlesbrough’s industrial heritage as a starting point to explore the dynamics of work, labour, gender and masculine power. The performance further explores Offeh’s interest in using the body, durational actions and popular music to activate histories and archival materials. I wish i had the confidence to create work like this! I don't really like performance based work much, but I really like the message that he is giving with these pieces, labour gender and masculine power are all things I would be interested in creating work about but, just not performing it. 
