Ralph Steadman has probably inspired me the most this semester, I absolutely love the way he can get a sheet of paper and throw some ink at it and turn it into something with so much personality. The weeks leading up to the exhibition at the walker gallery I was watching him on YouTube.. He was flicking ink at a page and turning the ink splats into animals.. I tried this for myself and absolutely fell in love with his technique... Its amazing how you can start with nothing and just allow the ink to create what IT wants to create.. Its almost like it was planned out before you even started and you had no choice over it at all. I will definitely be using this technique again in the future with my work and I have always really loved making a mess with ink but, this just seems so much more fulfilling... Here are my attempts:

For this one I used black ink and red ink and splashed it onto the page, when looking at the ink i found figures and faces reveal themselves so i went into it with tipex to bring them out.. my favourite figure is the one on the left because i love the tipex eye that i gave him and the circles around his head which i used a compass for actually look really cool. I ended up using this for the exhibition because it reminded me of a psychiatrists ink blot test where you see different things in it, and when I asked my friends to look at the ink splats they all seen different things, this is just my view of it coming to life.
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